India's Cheapest Tablet Aakash brought in an increased drop in the prices of the tablets of the other Tablet majors in the market say it be Blackberry, Motorola and now Sony.
Call it like "Minor hitting hard on Majors". Here the minor includes Aakash, Beetel Magix and newest one is Classpad.
Aakash that was well received by the people in India showing an enormous response to such an extent that it was sold out in first three days of its launch over internet on datawind website. Beetel Magix 2 being the successor of Beetel Magix, introduced the high end configuration in the tablet market under 10K making it prominent competitor in the tablet market. Now we have a new competitor Classpad, brought in by Rohit Pande, an Alumni of IIT, Delhi and IIM, Calcutta that ranges from 8K to 14K, considered to be the toughest competitor in the Tablet market in India.
With the boom of new popups like aakash and classpad etc, the majors in the market are facing a tough time with the sales that primarily the Blackberry after selling 90K tablets in first 9 months of its launch in India slashed rates by 50% for a week to make its playbook play over the tablet market.
And now Motorola Xoom which was launched in India with a big hype for being the first tablet to run on Google’s Honeycomb but received a lukewarm response. Experts believe that despite it fantastic features the tab couldn’t market itself due to its high price tag. They too slashed the prices by 11K. And now the Electronics manufacturer Sony announced its 9.4-inch Tablet S is getting a 5K price cut, lowering the price of the 16GB model to 20K and the 32GB model to 25K. Sony had previously issued a price cut on December 15th in an apparent attempt to spur holiday sales as the tablet market becomes increasingly competitive.
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